Social media has evolved dramatically since it burst on the scene. Capitalizing on social networking has gone from interesting concept to must-have for many organizations. It’s moved beyond applications and tools like blogs and Twitter, to include policies, protocols and etiquette. More than anything, social media has changed the way we communicate by becoming an integral part of marketing and public relations strategies.
But successful social media is not simply drafting a tweet or blog post when the mood strikes. It’s far more. With a well constructed and thought out strategy it will allow you to .
Behind Your Curtain creates a Social Media Strategy and Plan (Strategy), identifying the top rated, most relevant social media tools necessary to obtain each client’s specific goals and objectives all based on detailed market research results.
Behind Your Curtain dives into the world-wide-web to research market data specifically related to your brand, profession, service and/or product to produce a detailed strategy report identifying the following:
The Strategy identifies the social media tools recommended for use. Accounts related to such tools may already exist by the customer, or will be recommended for new account creation as part of the Strategy.
The customer’s existing social media tools will be evaluated and recommendations will be identified. These recommendations are based on the overall objective of this strategy as stated above.
The strategy developed will include a social media topic schedule tailored for each client and is created to specifically focus on areas that are of the most interest to the customer’s target audience.
It will contain effective keywords and social media content addressing the target audience’s problem or desired needs. Content delivered should provide value and possible resolution to those problems and desired needs. This increases community involvement, builds relationships and allows the content provider to become a trusted advisor over time.